Eight major anthocyanins were determined in 61 processed foods made from purple-fleshed sweet potato commercially available in Japan. The total content of major anthocyanins ranged from 53.22 to 936.26 mg/100 g for 10 primary processed foods, including dried powders, dried flakes, and dried sweet potatoes ; 1.19 to 131.95 mg/100 mL for 13 beverages including soft drinks and fermented vinegars ; 33.00 to 376.39 mg/100 g for 11 deep-fried foods, including chips and fried dough cookies ; and 1.01 to 69.75 mg/100 g for 27 secondary processed foods, including Western and Japanese sweets, and jams. The peonidinbased anthocyanins exceeded 70% of the total anthocyanin content for 9 of the primary processed foods, 13 of the beverages, 6 of the deep-fried foods, and 21 of the secondary processed foods. The ingredients of these processed foods were estimated to be purple-fleshed sweet potato cultivars Ayamurasaki and Murasakimasari. |