In order to investigate the properties of frozen concentrated orange juice from 5 countries imported into Japan, we evaluated colorimetric value, glucose, fructose, sucrose, citric acid, L-malic acid, D-isocitric acid, L-ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and headspace volatile flavor components by principal component analysis. The products from Brazil contained a large amount of glucose and fructose, while the products from Belize had much more sucrose content. In addition, products from Israel contained high amounts of organic acids. The content of flavonoids depended on the country of origin and were not detected in products from Israel. The flavor component contained the largest amount of d-limonene in all the samples. Principal component analysis using 59 data items showed that the flavor components strongly contribute to the first principal component, and that sugars and flavonoids contribute to the second principal component. In a scatter plot using the principal component scores, products from Brazil and America were divided into two groups, but generally products were gathered and distributed by country of origin. The data analyzed in this study demonstrated that concentrated orange juice products from the same country contained similar components, suggesting that each country of origin has unique differences in components. |