In this study, we evaluated the intestinal microbiota in order to provide scientific evidence about the reality of living habits, bowel habits and eating habits of nursery infants at the rural nursery center in Fukuoka Prefecture. We also evaluated the intestinal microbiota about the individual constitution by “YAKUZEN” based on Chinese medical science.
The study was conducted from December 2011 to March 2012. A total of 86 infants were studied, and written consent was obtained for all of the subjects.
The analysis of the intestinal microbiota was performed using Nagashima’s method of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism.
When compared by feeding method, the Bifidobacteria percentages (mean ± standard error) in the intestinal microbiota were 10.4 ± 6.2%, 12.8 ± 8.5%, and 19.9 ± 8.5% in infants who were the breast-fed only group, breast-fed and bottle-fed group, and bottle-fed only group, respectively, and was significantly higher in those who were in the bottle-fed only group. When the individual constitution of Chinese medical science by the feeding method was compared, the proportion of normal quality was the highest in the breast-fed only group, and breast-fed and bottle-fed group.
Based on the relationship between the breast-fed and the individual constitutions, it became clear that the mother’s meal and nutritional balance condition has a significant relation to the health of children and breast-feeding.