We reviewed three dominant models ("discrepancy reduction model", "hierarchical system model", and "region of proximal learning model") about study-time allocation. Each of these models has suggested that a relationship between metacognitive monitoring and control was important in the more effective study-time allocation. However, the three model's suggestion has lacked the function of designer in the behavior of a learner, then their models are not sufficient to clarify the relationship. In the case of the learners regulated their allocation of study time, they took account into not just their degree of learning but other aspects [e.g., difficulty of goal (difficult vs. easy) and available time for learning (long vs. short)]. Thus, we claimed that the importance of the measurement, learner's thinking of their learning condition will suggest the process of effective study time allocation. By introrducing the learner as designer viewpoint, many uncovered issues (e.g., developmental change, restructuring his/her learning condition) could be clarified. |