基本情報 |
氏名 |
河手 久弥 |
氏名(カナ) |
カワテ ヒサヤ |
氏名(英語) |
所属 |
中村学園大学 栄養科学部 栄養科学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
Development of a predictive scoring system for vitamin D deficiency ‘Vitamin D Deficiency Predicting Scoring (ViDDPreS)’ based on the vitamin D status in young Japanese women: a nationwide cross-sectional study
Akiko Kuwabara, Eiji Nakatani, Hideaki Nakajima, Satoshi Sasaki, Kenichi Kohno, Kazuhiro Uenishi, Masaru Takenaka, Kyoko Takahashi, Akihiro Maeta, Nobuko Sera, Kaori Kaimoto, Masako Iwamoto, Hisaya Kawate, Mayumi Yoshida, Kiyoshi Tanaka and Naoko Tsugawa
Objective: Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is common among young women and causes various health problems, including those that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, we investigated the risk factors for VDD in young Japanese women and developed a simple risk scoring system called Vitamin D Deficiency Predicting Scoring (ViDDPreS). Design: A cross-sectional study, using the following factors for multivariate logistic regression analysis to create the ViDDPreS score: residential area, season, cumulative ambient ultraviolet-B irradiation, BMI, vitamin D supplement use, sun exposure habits, frequency of habitual food intake and eating habits. The subjects were randomly divided into development and test sets for analysis. Serum 25-hydroxivitamin D concentration of less than 20 ng/ml was defined as VDD. Setting: Four regions (Hokkaido/Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu/Kinki/Shikoku and Kyushu/Okinawa) in Japan. Participants: Five hundred and eighty-three healthy women aged 18–40 years. Results: In the development set, the VDD group (68·4 %) had higher proportions of the following variables than the non-VDD group: residential area outside the Kanto region; blood samples obtained in winter; low BMI (<18·5 kg/m2); vitamin D supplement non-users; short time regularly spent outside on weekdays; intake of fish, vitamin D-abundant fish, dried fish and redfish less than once a week. VDD risk was classified as low, medium or high according to the ViDDPreS scores including these contributing factors, with a test set C-index of 0·671. Conclusion: We identified the risk factors for VDD in young Japanese women and developed a simple risk scoring system that enables us to assess VDD risk and aid in the development of appropriate prevention and treatment strategies for this population.