基本情報 |
氏名 |
河手 久弥 |
氏名(カナ) |
カワテ ヒサヤ |
氏名(英語) |
所属 |
中村学園大学 栄養科学部 栄養科学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
Protein kinase A potentiates Ad4BP/SF-1 transactivation by re-integrating the subcellular dynamic interactions of the nuclear receptor with its cofactors, GCN5/TRRAP, and suppressor, DAX-1: a laser confocal imaging study in living KGN cells.
WuQiang Fan Toshihiko Yanase Yin Wu Hisaya Kawate Masayuki Saitoh Koichi Oba Masatoshi Nomura Taijiro Okabe Kiminobu Goto Junn Yanagisawa Shigeaki Kato Ryoichi Takayanagi Hajime Nawata
The mechanism through which protein kinase A (PKA) potentiates the transactivation ability of adrenal 4 binding protein/steroidogenic factor 1 (Ad4BP/SF-1) is currently unclear. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism by applying laser confocal microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching technique. In KGN cells, forskolin (a PKA stimulator) could reorganize wild-type Ad4BP/SF-1, but not mutant Ad4BP/SF-1 (G35E), from a diffuse distribution pattern to foci formation in the nucleus. The subcellular distributions of GCN5 (general control nonderepressed) and TRRAP (transformation/transcription domain-associated protein), both of which were recently proved to be working in the same complex as the third class of nuclear receptor coactivators, were unexpectedly diffuse inside and outside the nucleus, respectively, when they were separately transfected. However TRRAP was translocated into the nucleus in the presence of GCN5, and together with GCN5 colocalized with Ad4BP/SF-1 in the same foci when PKA was activated. A luciferase assay also indicated that these two cofactors enhanced Ad4BP/SF-1 transactivation.Dosage-sensitive sex reversal (DAX-1) interacts with and thus inhibits Ad4BP/SF-1 transactivation. The coexistence of the two proteins dramatically altered their respective subnuclear distributions. They colocalized extensively, suggestive of binding, and Ad4BP/SF-1 was sharply immobilized when DAX-1 was coexpressed, whereas PKA could maintain mobility, as evidenced by Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching showing that Ad4BP/SF-1 mobility recovered after forskolin treatment.Therefore, the PKA signal pathway may modify the interaction between Ad4BP/SF-1 and its activators and repressor (GCN5 and TRRAP are integrated, whereas DAX-1 is disassociated), and thus stimulate the Ad4BP/SF-1 transactivation.